The MANES Research Center boasts of a comprehensive series of publications. This section provides a description of the presentation of some of these books.



The UNED on TVE-2 (television channel). On the occasion of the publication of the book La Editorial Calleja, un agente de modernización educativa en la Restauración, by professors Julio Ruiz Berrio, Anastasio Martínez Navarro, Carmen Colmenar and Miryam Carreño, as part of the Proyecto MANES series. 2 February 2003 (Rebroadcast on 23 February 2003, 31 February 2004 and 25 May 2012).

The UNED on TVE-2 (television channel) -News- On the occasion of the publication of the book by this title (Manuales escolares de primera enseñanza, editados en Navarra de 1800 a 1912) by Francisco Soto Alfaro, as part of the Proyecto MANES series. 21 April 2006.

The UNED on TVE-2 (television channel), on the occasion of the exhibit taking place in November 2006 and of the presentation in the Residencia de Estudiantes of the book by the same title (El darwinismo en los manuales escolares de finales del XIX) by Margarita Hernández Laille, as part of the Proyecto MANES series. 9 February 2007 (Rebroadcast on 11 February 2007, 27 March 2009 and 4 March 2011).

The UNED on TVE-2 (television channel) –News, on the occasion of the presentation in the pavilion of the Madrid Public Universities and the UNED during the Madrid Book Fair. The book (Mito, legitimación y violencia simbólica en los manuales escolares de historia del franquismo) was written by Emilio Castillejo Cambra. 20 June 2008.

  • The unpublished school programs of 1938 in Franco’s Spain. The pedagogical siege of modernity.

Presentation of the book (Los programas escolares inéditos de 1938 en la España de Franco. El cerco pedagógico a la modernidad) by José Ramón López Bausela, UNED/Universidad de Cantabria, 2012, in the bookstore “Estudio” on Burgos street in Santander. 27 November 2012.

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The UNED on TVE-2 (television channel) –News, on the occasion of the presentation of the book (La España cubista de Luis Bello: visiones desde la escuela) in the Casa del Lector in the cultural complex Matadero de Madrid, by Agustín Escolano. 26 June 2015.

Radio broadcast  on the book, 6 December 2015.

  • Indigenous alterity in school primers in Argentina (ca. 1885-1940).

Presentation of the book by Teresa Laura Artieda (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina), La alteridad indígena en los libros de lectura de Argentina (ca.1885-1940), Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2017.

Thursday, 17 May, 18:30 p.m. in the Espacio UNED of the BOE Bookstore, Trafalgar street, 27 – Madrid.

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