This database is a product of the research project CEIMES, Ciencia y educación en los institutos madrileños de enseñanza secundaria (1837-1936), sponsored by the Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación de la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid. Its goal was to develop a plan for the research and transfer of findings relating to the scientific and educational patrimony kept in six of Madrid’s oldest secondary schools in order to safeguard and evaluate the material.


This data base includes the school textbooks kept in the libraries of the secondary schools Cardenal Cisneros, Isabel la Católica and San Isidro.



IES Cardenal Cisneros catalogue

IES Isabel la Católica catalogue

IES San Isidro catalogue



For more information:

Video IES Cardenal Cisneros

Video IES Isabel La Católica

Video IES Cervantes

Video IES San Isidro



